How do you feel most energized after a long week?

What do you find more rewarding?

What do you find more rewarding?

How do you feel about planning a big project or trip?

How do you feel about planning a big project or trip?

How do you feel about planning a big project or trip?

How do you feel about planning a big project or trip?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

When approaching a disagreement, what is your main focus?

If you had a day to explore a new city, how would you spend it?

When you’re online, which of the following is more likely to catch your attention?

If you were planning a day out, which of the following would you prefer?

What type of location interests you more?

If you could plan any celebration, it would be…

When choosing a movie to watch, which do you prefer?

When reflecting on your accomplishments, which feeling do you relate to more?

Which personal aesthetic resonates with you the most?

Which genre of movie do you find more appealing?

When it comes to your travel preferences, what kind of destination do you lean towards?

When faced with a big decision, you are more likely to…

When it comes to your ideal weekend, you would prefer to…

When choosing a TV series, which do you prefer?

When choosing a place to live, which are you more drawn to?

Your personality type is !